Who Am I?

I wear many hats – Realtor, mother, grandmother, gardener, quilt-maker, hiker, pickleballer, cinephile, opera and theatre buff, friend to sundry folks and animals.


1983-present       Realtor (1983 Salesperson License, 1987 Broker License)

1975-1982             Reading Specialist in Rochester, NY and Boston, MA

1970-1975              BA History (SUC New Paltz, NY) and MA Reading Specialist (SUNY at Albany, NY)

This is my story…

Coming of age in the early 1970s, I loathed the idea of having anything to do with sales. I became a teacher. I taught in inner-city Boston schools during the strife-filled period of “integration”.  There were metal detectors at the school’s entrance and National Guardsmen in the halls. I worked hard with few resources and overcrowded classes yet it seemed I never garnered any appreciation for my dedication in the classroom.

At that time, my husband and I were renting a sweet apartment but we couldn’t have a garden. I couldn’t fix up the place and had to live with 25-year old wallpaper. The landlord was not a kind man. All this frustration drove us to buy a little house just up the street. I became a homeowner at the age of 26. My baby was born a few months later in our new home. I never looked back and have been a homeowner ever since.

I loved that little house, changed the wallpaper, planted a garden and dedicated myself to meeting my neighbors and contributing to the town. I raved to everyone about home ownership and eventually gave up teaching to become a Realtor. I continued to proselytize about the benefits, spiritually, socially, philosophically and financially, of homeownership. I am called a real estate “salesperson” but I have never thought of myself as being in “sales” and I still don’t after almost 40 years in the field. For both my sellers and buyers, I truly operate as a consultant.  I’m still teaching!

My job is to guide, enlighten and protect my clients. For my sellers I strive to get my listings sold for the highest possible price, in the shortest possible timeframe and with the least amount of stress for the client. For my buyers, my goal is to locate and successfully negotiate a property that meets their day-to-day needs and desires as well as one that is a sound financial investment. For each, I am committed to disclosing everything that they would want to know and protecting their confidentiality at all times. I have long term relationships and friendships with many of my clients which greatly enriches the fabric of my life.

When I do well, I like to do good.  To help those organizations who help the shelter insecure, I donate $250 from the proceeds of each sale in the name of my client.  Find an incredible nonprofit HERE to learn more.