Trust your gut

A common question from my clients is, “How will I know when it is THE right home to buy?”  If you have wondered this, I urge you not to overthink it.  There actually IS NO FORMULA.  Each client is an individual and so intrinsically different yet my answer is simple and the same…

If it is a couple, I ask them how they knew that their partner was the one they wanted to spend their life with.  The answer is always, “I just knew.”  Often they knew in an incredibly short period of time.  If it is not a couple, I ask the client to imagine going to an animal shelter with dozens of adorable dogs all needing a loving home.  But it is always ONE dog that people know is the right dog.  Yes, puppies and houses are quite different.  But trust me when I say YOU WILL JUST KNOW when it is right.

Upon visiting the house or condo the first time, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do want to linger, hang out, check out the view from every window?
  • Did you sit down on the sofa? Are you visualizing yourself doing the activities you adore in the interior spaces?
  • Did you think about what you will plant or how you will recreate in the yard?
  • Do you have a warm, loving feeling in your core?
  • Did you say, “My Barcalounger will go here and that’s the TV wall.” ?

If the answer is a resounding yes to any of these questions, you have found the place in which you need to wake up every day.  Trust your gut.

I love shopping for HOMES.  Not houses or properties, but for HOMES that will make my clients feel happy everyday.  Since 1983 I’ve been helping my clients shop for a new home and getting them through the entire process unscathed.  Let’s go find you the one perfect HOME that gives you that same warm, fuzzy feeling of holding a new special puppy or kitty.  We will have so much fun!

“Let’s Get You Home and Happy!”